Everything You Need to Know About Huberman’s Morning Routine

Everything You Need to Know About Huberman’s Morning Routine
Upgrade your mornings effortlessly with Huberman's morning routine—a blend of neuroscience-driven habits designed to elevate focus, boost energy, and set the tone for your entire day. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist, Stanford professor (followed by over 11 million fans), has crafted a morning routine that’s as intentional as it is effective. With elements that blend science with everyday practicality, this routine isn’t just about waking up; it’s about optimizing your mind and body from the moment you rise. His approach blends light exposure, hydration, exercise, and mindfulness, setting up the brain and body to perform at their best. Here’s a breakdown of each step in Huberman’s morning routine...


Woman next to window

1. Huberman’s Wake-Up Call

Huberman’s morning routine starts bright and early around 6 AM with one must-do step: sunlight. He heads outside for natural light exposure to sync his circadian rhythm and jump-start his day. This light-first approach is the backbone of his routine—it’s all about resetting your body’s internal clock and boosting focus and alertness from the get-go. 
Why it works: Morning sunlight triggers cortisol, your natural wake-up hormone that boosts mood and energy levels, while suppressing melatonin, the hormone that keeps you sleepy. This aligns your body clock, setting you up for peak performance. To make Huberman’s morning routine work for you, step outside, take your dog for a walk, or simply get near a window first thing. Aim for at least 10 minutes of natural light to kick-start your day the right way.  
lemon water

2. Huberman’s Hydration Habit

Huberman’s morning routine also prioritizes hydration. After hours of sleep, your body is dehydrated and craving water. Huberman reaches for a glass of water with a pinch of sea salt and a squeeze of lemon—this combo not only rehydrates but replenishes lost electrolytes, setting you up for a strong start.
Why it works: Hydration is key, but adding salt balances your electrolytes, supporting nerve function, muscle contractions, and overall hydration. The lemon adds a boost of vitamin C, helping with digestion and immunity. Kick off your day with a big glass of water—add a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon to level up your hydration game. It’s a small change that’ll leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.
woman walking

3. The Huberman Workout

Physical activity is a non-negotiable part of Huberman’s morning routine. He opts for light exercise like mobility work, stretching, or a brisk walk. The goal isn’t to break a sweat—it’s to wake up your muscles, get your blood pumping, and kickstart those feel-good endorphins.
Why it works: Movement boosts blood flow to the brain, sharpens cognitive function, and sets a positive tone for the day. Plus, exercise triggers dopamine, the neurotransmitter that enhances mood and motivation. Add light movement to your morning, whether it’s a quick stretch or a walk around the block. It’s not about intensity; it’s about waking up your body and engaging your mind for the day ahead.
woman taking a shower

4. Huberman’s Icy Wake-Up Call

Cold exposure is one of the standout elements of Huberman’s morning routine, usually through a cold shower or plunge. This practice delivers a host of benefits, from heightened alertness to improved circulation and a boosted metabolism.
Why it works: Cold exposure activates your sympathetic nervous system, increasing your heart rate and releasing adrenaline, which sharpens focus and enhances mental readiness. It’s like a wake-up call that instantly resets your mood and mindset.
If a full cold shower feels too daunting, start small—try a facial ice bath or end your warm shower with a 30-second blast of cold water. It’s a simple yet powerful way to elevate your morning routine.


woman drinking coffee

5. Huberman’s Strategic Coffee Consumption

While most of us grab coffee first thing, Huberman strategically delays his caffeine fix by about 90 minutes after waking up. This timing allows his natural cortisol levels to peak before adding caffeine, helping to avoid the common afternoon energy crash.
Why it works: Waiting on coffee lets your body’s natural wake-up hormones do their job, making that eventual caffeine hit even more effective without the dreaded slump later on. So, resist the urge to brew right away. Hold off for about an hour and a half—use that time to hydrate, move, and soak up some sunlight first. You’ll get all the benefits of coffee with none of the crash.
woman stretching

6. Huberman’s Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness is another key element in Huberman’s morning routine, whether it’s through breathwork, meditation, or just a few moments of quiet reflection. This practice helps center the mind, reduce stress, and set the tone for a focused, productive day.
Why it works: Mindfulness techniques are proven to lower anxiety, boost concentration, and build a more resilient mindset. Even a few minutes can dramatically improve your mental clarity. Add a moment of mindfulness to your morning—it doesn’t have to be long. Just 10 minutes of meditation or deep breathing can make a world of difference in how you start your day.

7. Huberman’s Breakfast with Intention

Nutrition plays a major role in Huberman’s morning routine. He opts for light yet nutrient-dense breakfasts, focusing on balanced fats, proteins, and low-glycemic fruits to fuel his brain and body—without the dreaded mid-morning crash.
Why it works: A balanced breakfast offers sustained energy and supports cognitive function, helping you tackle the morning with ease. Choose nutrient-rich options like avocado toast, smoothies, or yogurt with nuts. Looking for a quick and delicious start? Try our Avo Deviled Eggs breakfast recipe—it’s the perfect blend of flavor and fuel to kickstart your day.
woman journaling

8. Huberman’s Planning and Journaling

The final piece of Huberman’s morning routine is all about planning his day. By setting clear priorities and outlining tasks, he stays proactive, aligning his daily actions with long-term goals.
Why it works: Planning goes beyond making a to-do list—it’s about setting a clear path to success. The Everything Planner helps you map out your day, aligning your actions with your bigger vision. With this kind of structure, your mornings become the launchpad for a productive day ahead.


Download Huberman’s Morning Routine Checklist Below

Huberman's Morning Routine Checklist

Ready to add some Huberman magic to your mornings? Download Huberman’s Morning Routine Checklist and make these strategies your own. Each morning is your chance to set the tone—start strong and let your routine lead the way.

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